This depends on what products you ordered and which shipping method you picked for your pledge.
The 1st shipping wave (for "old stuff" - original Nemesis and Nemesis Lockdown) was delivered in December 2024/January 2025.
The 2nd English shipping wave (for Nemesis Retaliation content) is currently estimated for July/August 2025, and translations are usually ready 6-9 months after the English wave.
If you picked split shipment method for your pledge, the delivery will be divided into two shipping waves - the "old stuff" delivered in the 1st shipping wave, and new content (Retaliation) in the 2nd wave.
If you picked single shipment method and ordered anything from the Nemesis Retaliation content, your whole pledge will be delivered in the 2nd wave. If you picked single shipment method, but only ordered the "old stuff", your whole order will be delivered in the 1st shipping wave.